理查德 · 卫斯理 · 汉明(Richard Wesley Hamming)是美国数学家,图灵奖得主,其贡献包括汉明码、汉明距离和汉明谱窗以及数值方法。他曾做过一场演讲《You and your research》,这篇文章算是浓缩版,其中关于人生和做研究的建议,看完惭愧不已却又大受鼓舞。简单总结的话——等等,为什么要简单总结呢,这么好的文章值得花上半小时慢慢品味!
Little has been written on managing your own research (and very little on avoiding other people managing your research); however, your research is much more under your control than you may realize.
We are concerned with great research here. Work that will get wide recognition, perhaps even win a Nobel Prize. As most people realize, the average published paper is read by the author, the referee, and perhaps one other person. Classic papers are read by thousands. We are concerned with research that will matter in the long run and become more than a footnote in history.
If you are to do important work then you must work on the right problem at the right time and in the right way. Without any one of the three, you may do good work but you will almost certainly miss real greatness.
Greatness is a matter of style. For example, after learning the elements of painting, you study under a master. While studying you pay attention to what the master says in discussing your work, but you know that if you are to achieve greatness then you must find your own style. Furthermore, a successful style in one age is not necessarily appropriate for another age. Cubism would not have gone over big during the realism period.